Himgold (CSIR-IHBT)
Tagetes minuta (Wild marigold) is a hardy plant and suitable for mid Himalayan region. Crop gives higher oil yield of better quality oil among all cultivated species. CSIR-IHBT has standardized agro- and processing technologies and released an improved variety “Himgold”. By adopting standardized agrotechnology, crop biomass upto 200 q/ha can be harvested. The oil content ranges between 0.25 to 0.40%. The major constituents of the Tagetes oil are Ocimene (Z and E), Limonene, Dihydro tagetone, Tagetone (Z and E). The oil is used in blending high grade perfumes. The crop gives a net return of Rs 1.5-2 lakhs per hectare.
Cost of cultivation : Rs. 50,000/ha
Gross return : Rs. 2,00,000/ha
Net profit : Rs. 1,50,000/ha