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Value Addition

In view of the aim of this Mission to empower farmers and promote entrepreneurship in rural areas, it is important to build demand for essential oils by developing essential oil based formulations and products and to promote their business. Promotion of the business of aroma products in MSME mode will not only contribute in increasing the number of self-employed entrepreneurs, it will also contribute in employment generation and eventually building demand of essential oils for sustaining cultivation of aromatic crops. It is proposed to organize several skill development programs to train the progressive farmers about value addition of essential oils and exploring the same for producing value-added products. The value added products will build a complete ecosystem in a cluster of villages from cultivation, to distillation of essential oils followed by producing value-added products related to MSME activities. Once an entrepreneur is satisfied with the market acceptance and demand of the aroma ingredient/ product, s/he can have manufacturing licenses as well to start independent production facility. Such kind of support in terms of availability of infrastructure facility and technical know-how support at CSIR labs is expected to increase the number of MSME entrepreneurs and hence sustained demand for the production of essential oils through aromatic crops cultivation.