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States Covered

Cultivation of aromatic crops is being popularized in different agro-ecological zones, and also in areas where such crops have not been cultivated before. Efforts are also being made to introduce these crops in the stressed soils, drought-affected areas and in traditional crops as inter-crops.


To make the growers aware about these crops, a number of awareness programmes would be conducted, particularly in the regions where farmers are frequently affected by deficient/excess rainfalls. Two/Three-day training programs are also being organized for the growers and entrepreneurs to upgrade their skills in cultivation and primary processing of aromatic crops suitable for that region.


It is estimated that by the end of the third year, complementary efforts of participating laboratories will be able to bring an additional area of 5500 ha under the cultivation of aromatic crops almost all over India covering more than 25 states. In the initial phase of the Mission, Awareness Programs are being conducted for developing clusters of farmers/villages for taking up aromatic crops.


Clusters developed under the Aroma Mission are given below:



Statewise Identified Crops
