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Three-day Training Programme under Aroma Mission Phase-II

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On the second and third day, viz. 9th and 10th February 2022, of the Three-day Training Programme organized by Csir Cimap Research Centre, Bangalore at Gandhigram Trust, Tamil Nadu, the participants were explained about the cultivation practices and processing of several Medicinal and Aromatic Crops (MAPs). Further, a demonstration on the planting and nursery making of MAPs and extraction of essential oil along with the value-addition of herbal extracts and essential oils in the manufacture of soap, shampoo, etc. was also given. The different products and technologies of CSIR-CIMAP were also briefed to the participants. The participants were also taken for industrial visit to show the manufacturing process of Ayurveda and Siddha drugs followed by soap and shampoo making processes. An interaction session was organized for participants with progressive Aroma Mission beneficiary farmers, Mr. Basavanathan, Mr. Mohanasundaram and Mr. Vetiver Pandian and industry representative, Mr. Natarajan.

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