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Dr. G Narahari Sastry, Director, CSIR-NEIST inaugurated the Ninth Multi-locational Trial & Regional Research Experimental Field

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Dr. G Narahari Sastry, Director, CSIR - North East Institute of Science and Technology (CSIR-NEIST), Jorhat inaugurated the Ninth Multi-locational Trial & Regional Research Experimental Field at Khehoyi, Dimapur, Nagaland on 18th September 2021. Dr. S. P. Saikia, Principal Scientist & Principal Investigator, CSIR-Aroma Mission and Dr. Mohan Lal, Senior Scientist & Co-Investigator, Aroma Mission, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat were present on the occasion. CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat has embarked on making plans to fructify the vision of our honourable Prime Minister in doubling the farmers' income in the next few years. The most essential to achieve these objectives is the identification, domestication and cultivation of rare, threatened and endangered species of medicinal plants to sustain the modern pharmaceutical industries and also for sustenance of India’s strong traditional system of medicines for which the crucial factors such as breeding of new plant varieties, identification of stable performance through multilocational trials, integration of modern science along with market and industrial application potential are the key. High-scale production of these medicinal plants would be helpful to meet the industrial demands as well as cease the import of the raw materials further boosting the country’s economy.

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