CSIR-NEIST, transferred the agro-technology of High Yielding Variety of Pachouli developed by CSIR-NEIST under the CSIR-Aroma Mission.

Dr G Narahari Sastry, Director, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat transferred the agro-technology of High Yielding Variety (HYV) of Pachouli (Jor Lab P-1) developed by CSIR-NEIST under the CSIR-Aroma Mission to M/s Vista Naturals, Guwahati, Assam on 24th August 2021. So far agro-technology of Citronella (Jor Lab C-5) and Lemongrass (Jor Lab L-8) has been transferred to 15 parties each, Lemongrass (Jor Lab L-9) and Lemongrass (Jor Lab L-10) to 2 parties each and Patchouli (Jor Lab P-1) to 3 parties, under the CSIR-Aroma Mission.

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